Ineffective DEI Efforts: A Healthcare Crisis We Can’t Ignore

As a person with a commitment to social justice and an educational background in Social Work, supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a core value that I hold. While the field of DEI on the whole has received much backlash, those foundational beliefs are what drive systemic change for the better. However, it's clear that the organizational efforts of DEI as a field need considerable improvements before those changes will be seen- particularly when it comes to healthcare and the disparities in patient outcomes. 

A recent report on “5 Ways DEI Has Been Ineffective And How We Make It Better” just uncovered a truth we can't turn away from: cultural insensitivity in healthcare isn't just a buzzword—it's a barrier to equity and survival. 

See the full report from Forbes here: 

Every day, patients face a system that too often overlooks their cultural identities, leading to stark disparities in care. Our team at Align & Embrace is committed to dismantling these barriers, and we understand that it's time for a seismic shift in how clinicians are trained and supported. We know that performative measures won't cut it. Real change demands more than surface level DEI initiatives. It requires a foundation of cultural humility and responsiveness that only comes from a deep, systemic overhaul in our healthcare institutions. 

The aforementioned article on the ineffectiveness of DEI suggests that practitioners should not have to jump through hoops to make systemic changes- a notion we wholeheartedly agree with at Align & Embrace. This is precisely why we are dedicated to partnering with organizations as culture cultivators. In addition to ongoing support from our team for organization-wide changes, we also provide easy access to a plethora of innovative resources that reinforce continued growth- no hoop jumping necessary. 

With every article that shines a light on the systemic failures within healthcare, my resolve to continue building the Clinicians for Cultures movement with Align & Embrace only strengthens. We won't rest until every clinician and the organizations that employ them have the tools and knowledge to provide care that upholds the dignity and rights of all. 


Align & Embrace Learning Journey: Part 2


Align & Embrace Learning Journey: Part 1