Align & Embrace Learning Journey: Part 2

Hello, I’m Jack Greenberg, a student at the University of Michigan in the School of Social Work. Today, I want to share insights from my learning journey with Align and Embrace, focusing on the importance of cultivating culturally responsive places and practices.

When I talk about cultural responsiveness, I mean mental health treatments that comprehensively consider clients’ and practitioners’ backgrounds, including age, cultural values, gender, language, race, and sexual orientation (Cabassa & Baumann, 2013).

At Align & Embrace, we’re pioneers in the field of cultural responsiveness among clinicians. Our leaders champion innovative approaches, utilizing technology to cultivate culturally informed and responsive systems. With over 50 years of combined experience, our founders seamlessly integrate theoretical knowledge with advanced skills in implementing culturally informed practices. They lead the ‘Clinicians for Cultures’ movement, fostering solidarity in healthcare.

Cultural responsiveness is not just a professional duty but a personal commitment to fostering empathy and understanding. As demographics shift, understanding different racial and ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and gender differences becomes crucial. Align and Embrace is dedicated to celebrating these differences and understanding diverse cultures, including incorporating the experiences of disabled individuals, ensuring our cultural responsiveness extends to all. 

Cultivating a culturally responsive practice is critical for supporting positive health and wellness outcomes of those receiving care. In my personal experience during a recent hospitalization, the nuances of my cultural background significantly influenced my well-being. Experiencing this first-hand emphasized the importance of clinicians being attuned to cultural intricacies in a patient’s journey to recovery. 

My journey with Align and Embrace has deepened my understanding of cultural responsiveness and its impact on mental health care. Through both personal and professional experience, I have witnessed the transformative power of culturally informed practices. Align and Embrace inspires us to contribute to a healthcare landscape where inclusivity and cultural humility are integral components of compassionate care. Together, we strive for a future where everyone feels seen, heard, and truly understood.


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